
Sales Veteran Jeff Englum Joins Blue Earth Products

We are thrilled to announce the appointment of Jeff Englum to Regional Sales Manager of the Midwest. His deep water industry expertise will benefit current and potential customers in...


Clearitas@ 350 Receives Registration Certificate by State of CA

We are excited to announce that the State of California has officially approved the use of Clearitas 350 as a primary disinfectant for healthcare facilities. See the press release...


Clean Tanks Deliver Quality Water

Download our article from the American Water Works Association


neXt Cleans Pressure Valves at Templeton, MA Water Plant

Check out this video of our product, neXt®, in action by our partner, Plastic Pipe Fabrication (PPF, a division of E.J. Prescott). This video shows the use of neXt...


Blue Earth Products Obtains Product By Process Patent for Clearitas

Today, we announced the third patent received for our Clearitas scale control solution. This patent adds significantly to Blue Earth Products because it is for a highly concentrated end-product...


Inside New York City’s Water Tanks are Layers of Neglect

There are estimated to be 12,000-17,000 water tanks across the New York City skyline. Recent samplings taken by the New York Times at just twelve of the water towers...


Booklet on Microorganisms In Plumbing Systems

What’s Bugging Your Pipes: How Microorganisms Affect Plumbing Systems This booklet is a resource on microbiologically influenced corrosion as it occurs in plumbing systems of buildings. The book covers...


While America Denies Legionella, Europe Exposes

The UK is taking steps toward exposing the issues regarding Legionnaires’ disease while America tries to keep the reality of its dangers from the public eye. The Health and Safety...


Scientists Find Legionella Likely Hiding in Amoebae

Are legionella surviving high levels of chlorine because they are hiding in amoeba?Norwegian scientists are providing evidence that legionella can survive treatments by hiding in amoeba.  As the number...