
Legionellosis Risk Management for Building Water Systems

The ASHRAE Standard 188-2018 was created to reduce the occurrence of legionellosis in human-occupied, building water systems, this new standard addresses the design, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, maintenance and service of...


How Clearitas protects your facility from legionella

Legionella pneumophila is one of the most dangerous waterborne pathogens present in modern water supplies. To ensure the health of consumers, effective removal of Legionella from all water supplies...


Managing Risk with Safe, Simple Legionella Prevention

Remove Deposits in All Pipes to Inhibit Legionella pneumophila growth Legionella pneumophila (legionella), the bacteria responsible for Legionnaires’ disease or legionellosis, occurs naturally in the environment, generally causing little...


Lawton OK Saves Tens of Thousands of Dollars with Chemical Cleaning

Less than 18 months after the Medicine Park Water Treatment Plant in Lawton, Oklahoma opened, water operators began noticing higher than normal back pressure and shorter filter runs.  Further...


There Are Many Waterborne Pathogens Such as Legionella

Water utilities fight a battle to keep your water safe. Water safety has been credited for adding 25 years to the average life expectancy in the USA over the...


Media Cleaning versus Media Replacement: A Cost Comparison

Blue Earth Products’ proprietary media cleaning chemicals and two-step cleaning process provides a significant cost saving advantage over complete media change out. Based on actual cleaning projects, the table...


Treating Biofilms in Water Distribution Systems

What is a biofilm and why is it difficult to remove from your pipes? Bacterial microbes exist in every water system in the world. They are perfectly adapted to...


Strategies to Reduce Risk of Legionella

Water is a necessity for all living creatures. Fortunately, most people in the developed world are able to access water directly from the inside of virtually any building. Before...


Legionella and Other Waterborne Pathogens in Water Systems

Water is necessary to sustain life. Thanks to modern infrastructure, people are able to access water from inside homes, hospitals, schools, retail establishments and virtually any other building. However,...


5 Ways to prevent disease in your water system

Most water treatment plants implement standard protocols designed to remove harmful pathogens from the water they process. However, in some cases, a few pathogens may persist after treatment and...