Legionella Control In Hospitals And Healthcare Facilities
Inadequate water treatment, changing temperatures and water stagnation can lead to biofilm and scale growth within hospital water distribution systems. Buildup of scales and films creates ideal breeding grounds for harmful bacteria and waterborne pathogens such as Legionella. When left unchecked, these biofilms can thrive and cause patient exposure to unhealthy pathogens, often leading to Legionnaire’s Disease or even death.
Legionella prevention is critical for hospitals and healthcare facilities. Many hospitals and healthcare facilities are turning to Clearitas 301 to eliminate films, scales and residues within their water systems. When used in conjunction with a primary disinfectant, Clearitas effectively penetrates and removes the protective layers of biofilms and scales by attacking the “organic glue” that holds biofilm together and its adherence to surfaces.
Clearitas enables primary disinfectants to be more effective and delivers water that is safer. cleaner. better® Legionella prevention using Clearitas 301 has been proven to reduce bacteria counts and improve chlorine residuals in hospitals and healthcare facilities. Clearitas 301 is NSF 60 certified and safe to use in all water systems including drinking water. Clearitas 301 is applied online with low up-front capital costs and minimal maintenance.
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