Did you know that time is running out for small water systems to comply with EPA Stage 2 regulations?
Stage 2 DBPR Rule requires that each community water system conduct an evaluation of their distribution systems, known as an Initial Distribution System Evaluation (IDSE) to identify the locations with high disinfection byproduct concentrations. These locations will then be used as the sampling sites for Stage 2 DBPR compliance monitoring. The Stage 2 DBPR Rule also requires each water system to determine if they have exceeded an operational evaluation level (OEL), which is identified using their compliance monitoring results. If there is an OEL exceedance, steps must be taken to reduce the level of DBPs in the water system.
The deadline for Stage 2 DBPR compliance is October 1, 2013. How are you planning to achieve compliance / help your clients achieve compliance by 2013?
Blue Earth Products can help you / your clients can achieve Stage 2 DBPR compliance by 2013 with our cost-effective, advanced cleaning solutions that reduce DBP levels by removing scale and biofilms thus lowering chlorine demand.
Contact us today to schedule a Lunch and Learn in your office, so you can hear more about our Stage 2 compliance solution.