Step 4: Determine Operational Evaluation Level

The Stage 2 DBPR states that a system exceeds the Operational Evaluation Level (OEL) if one of the following occurs at any compliance monitoring location (40 CFR 141.626(a)):

  • TTHM compliance monitoring results for the two previous quarters plus two times the TTHM result for the current quarter, divided by 4, exceeds 0.080 milligrams per liter (mg/L); or
  • HAA5 compliance monitoring results for the two previous quarters plus two times the HAA5 result for the current quarter, divided by 4, exceeds 0.060 mg/L. You can use the formula below to determine if you have an OEL exceedance. Example 1.1 shows how this formula can be used with distribution system TTHM and HAA5 data. 
  • FORMULA FOR DETERMINING IF YOU HAVE AN OEL EXCEEDANCE. For both TTHM and HAA5 and for each compliance monitoring location, calculate the following:


A = B = C = D =

(A + B + (2 * C)) / 4 = D

TTHM or HAA5 result for the quarter before the previous quarter (mg/L) TTHM or HAA5 result for the previous quarter (mg/L)TTHM or HAA5 result for the current quarter (mg/L) your OPERATIONAL EVALUATION VALUE (MG/L) If D FOR TTHM is > 0.080 MG/L, you have an OEL EXCEEDANCE If D FOR HAA5 is > 0.060 MG/L, you have an OEL EXCEEDANCE. If the OEL is exceeded, you MUST take the following actions:

  • Conduct an operational evaluation to determine the cause of the exceedance(s).
  • Submit a written report of the evaluation to the State no later than 90 days after being notified of the analytical result that caused the exceedance(s).
  • Keep a copy of the operational evaluation report and make it available to the public upon request.